Thursday 26 November 2009

Hellooo Circleites!

We've regenerated! From a newsletter, into, um, a blog. Posh, isn't it? Well, not really, no. Haven't really got my head around this website yet, but I will. Give me time.

I will still be issuing newsletters now and again, but probably not as regularly as before. I know, I know, it wasn't exactly regular to begin with, but hopefully this blog will get me to speed things up a little.

Once I've found my way around blogspot, I might transfer some of the older newsletters into blogs and post them here, because I know lots of you never got to see some of the older issues.

However, this does mean that now, everyone can see what goes on in the Circleite Community, now it's online instead of in your inbox - so I won't be posting anybody's full names, and if you had your photo taken with Carrie at a booksigning but would not like your picture or name to go online, please email me at Same goes for any other problems or queries, and if you've got a direct question for Carrie, email her at

My only real news right at this minute is that we've got a new hardback version of Joni-Pip out - this time with larger print - "hooray!" shout all the people who are tired of squinting their way through 500 pages :D

I'm sitting right next to Carrie now and she'd like to assure you all that work on the new book is well underway, even though she seems to spend a lot more time talking about writing it than writing it at the minute. She has, however, allowed us this sneak peek at the second book in the Circles trilogy, The Life by the Sea with Flip Garador:

"The tunnel was nothing like an ordinary passage, nothing like Tunnel 6. The floor was smooth and almost glass like. There were no puddles, no stones, no grooves to fall over on to one side, to wrench an unsuspecting ankle on. The glistening walls were dry; there was no steady dripping sound, as water trickled down them from above. Undeniably, not Tunnel 6-like!
“These aren’t the everyday tunnels we are used to, are they?” Craig ventured.
“Totally and utterly not!” answered Flip.
“They are very strange, sort of artificial, manmade,” added Steve.
“We are more like, walking through tubes, cylinders, aren’t we?” stated Flip.
“If that’s so, why can’t we see through the walls then?”
“I didn’t say glass, I said tubes; not all tubes are made of glass, are they?”
“Well, the only ones I know are the test tubes in the Science Lab at school and they most certainly are made of glass,” replied Craig defensively.
“Well, Children,” laughed Steve, “we must wait: be patient, I am sure we will find out soon. We will get there in the end.”
“Do we know the way back?” asked Craig, looking behind him.
“Er….probably not!” laughed Steve.
“Oh, well!” resigned Flip.
After a long, long walk, the light in the tunnel slowly got brighter and brighter.
“I think we are now going to find out if my assumptions are correct,” said a hesitant Steve.
“Is it good, if you are right or is it bad if you are right?” asked Craig.
Steve didn’t respond, he just went on ahead of them and turned a corner. Flip and Craig followed his steps around the curve. At first, none of them spoke, they just gulped in the longest mouthful of air, ever and gripped it! They looked at each other in utter disbelief at what they saw in front of them and then suddenly let go of the breath they held captive in their young lungs and, sounding like a rapidly deflating tyre, they puffed out the most gigantic gasp."

..And that's all for now. Watch this space for new posts and updates soon! There'll be a link from shortly, or so I'm told by our lovely Web Design Team.

Best wishes,
Flip :) x


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oooooh, I thought I was correcting a spelling mistake, not deleting the whole comment!

    Flip, I love your Blog!

    I love the Poll. Am I allowed to vote or will that result in hurt feelings, do you think? CK
